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December 01, 2004

And the family is growing..

Despite the fact that the kids are all getting bigger, we're referring to a *new* baby. Yup, you heard it here. Tarani's going to be a big sister! We're so very happy to be expecting another blessing.

So, about the kids.. Jahnu, the unbelievably gifted tech prodigy, turned eight a week ago and is publically inviting people to view his webpages: www.dasya.com/~jahnu and www.dasya.com/~jahnu/jahnu Check him out! Wooohooo :-) Chakra is following close on his big brother's heels with *his* website: www.dasya.com/~jahnu/pic but you can get linked from Jahnu's site if you search for "chakra". They are both terribly obsessed with volcanoes at the moment, but during the hurricane season wouldn't miss a day without looking at www.wunderground.com/tropical at least once. As concerned parents, we just hope that they choose a less dangerous profession when they grow up! Vikram is going to be five shortly and he's incredibly excited about going to "the big kids' school". He'll be joined by his best friend Vrindavan, so its *that* much more tantalizing ;-) He's reading pretty well now and rides his bike too. Good Job Mr. V!
Teeny Tiny is definitely showing her stubborn side these days, but is usually good-natured about saying "NO!" She likes to watch the person cooking in the kitchen, but more often than not gets banished to the floor for touching off-limits things (such as knives). She sings very beautifully and like her brothers, has a mind like a steel trap. She loves Tuesday playgroup, MWF preschool and her wonderful teacher, Kamalini Prabhu. We are so blessed to live in a community with SO MANY children!

In other news, Jahnu is now cooking breakfast three days a week. He started with making oatmeal and has now progressed to cream of wheat. he can also make rice and simply wonderfuls. Kudos to him for being such a persistent cook!

Grown-up school gets out this week, but finals are *next* week. After that, we're all going to take a long nap ;-) Hopefully we'll go up to Philly to visit dearest Sangita Mata, who was Mula's nurse in Vrindavan, and her family for New Years. Nama misses her so much!

We hope you all are having a lovely holiday season and we hope to see you all soon!

All our love,

The Best Family

Posted by nama at December 1, 2004 10:38 PM
